Korby - Robot Project
Created for fun, Korby is a robot I designed and modeled in 3D. He holds a lot of personal importance to me, as I have spent extensive time creating and working with him in a variety of projects. In fact, he is so important to me that he is now the logo of this website.
You can find more information about him below the slideshow.
You can find more information about him below the slideshow.
About Development
He was originally modeled in the 3D modeling program Solidworks. His 3D model has a joint system that allows for movement of his head, arms, and legs. The way his eyes are modeled also makes it appear as though he's always looking at the camera. There is also a light on the inside of the upper lip of his face which illuminates the green glass.
I hoped to create a cute character, with a seemingly innocent disposition. I think Korby has varying personalities depending on the angle from which he is viewed. That way, he is a very dynamic character.
Korby's one eyed companion (pictured below) is meant to appear more serious. He is yet to be named.
I hoped to create a cute character, with a seemingly innocent disposition. I think Korby has varying personalities depending on the angle from which he is viewed. That way, he is a very dynamic character.
Korby's one eyed companion (pictured below) is meant to appear more serious. He is yet to be named.
About the Name
The name Korby is a nickname form of the name Korbinian, after Korbinian Brodmann (known for his discoveries in brain research, particularly of the frontal lobe). It's also a reference to the Star Trek original series episode "What are Little Girls Made Of?", in which a man named Dr. Korby constructs androids of his crew after they are all killed. He hopes to replace humanity with a more perfect species of androids.
The Fictional Backstory
In the fictional continuity surrounding his creation, he is the "Insular Cortex" model of the Korbinian Line. The Korbinian line, however, was never approved for mass creation due to the protests against the ethical repercussions of emulating human consciousness in robots.
This robot, nicknamed "Korby," is the only surviving prototype of that line. As his model name suggests, his function is to emulate the Insular Cortex.
This robot, nicknamed "Korby," is the only surviving prototype of that line. As his model name suggests, his function is to emulate the Insular Cortex.